Best Green Smoothie Recipes To Pair with MiraBurst Miracle Berry

Whether you are a diabetic, pre-diabetic, or just a person who needs more fruits and vegetables in their diet, it is difficult to meet your daily intake if you don’t enjoy what you’re eating and drinking. A lot of fruits and vegetables have a sour or tart taste which can be hard to tolerate without adding sugar or processed sweeteners. The MiraBurst miracle berry solves this problem because it is a superfruit that naturally modifies the taste of sour or tart fruits, foods, and drinks to sweet-tasting without any added sugar or sweeteners. So you can enjoy a whole range of healthy options without sugar like citrus fruits, fruit and green smoothies and plain Greek yogurt. Here we will recommend some of our favorite green smoothies that are not only jam-packed with antioxidants and other healthy phytonutrients, but also taste sweet when paired with the MiraBurst miracle berry.

Simple Green Smoothie

  • 1/2 cup blueberries, fresh or frozen
  • 1/2 an orange, peeled
  • 1 to 2 cup baby kale and/or baby swiss chard
  • 1/2 cup ice
  • 1 cup unsweetened milk


  • Add all of the ingredients for one of the smoothies above to the jar of your blender.
  • Place the lid on the blender and blend until smooth, about 1 minutes on medium to medium-high speed.
  • Enjoy!

Green Smoothie for Diabetics

  • ½ cup water
  • 1 cup Greek yogurt
  • 1 cup kale
  • 1 tablespoon protein powder of your choice
  • A handful of mint leaves
  • ½ a lemon


  • Add all of the ingredients for one of the smoothies above to the jar of your blender.
  • Place the lid on the blender and blend until smooth, about 1 minutes on medium to medium-high speed.
  • Enjoy!

MiraBurst® Miracle Berry Products can sweeten green smoothies

Made from naturally grown and organic miracle berries (which are regarded as a superfruit), MiraBurst® Miracle Berry products can be an excellent addition to any sour or tart green smoothie.The MiraBurst miracle berry temporarily modifies the taste of all sour or tart fruits, foods and drinks to sweet-tasting without any added sugar or sweetener!

When the berry is consumed, miraculin – an active ingredient found in the fruit’s pulp – activates the sweet receptors on the tongue and tricks the mind to perceive sour or tart as sweet.

Miraculin’s taste-enhancing properties last up to 60 minutes. By tricking the mind into thinking that something sour or tart is sweet,you’ll be able to enjoy the taste of any green smoothie without adding any sugar or sweeteners. This can help diabetics and prediabetics adopt healthy eating habits, better manage their blood sugar and possibly even reverse their diagnosis.

But in order to truly appreciate the miracle berry, you will need to try the MiraBurst miracle berry yourself.

You can visit to learn more about MiraBurst miracle berry products and how to buy them.

Dr. Emmanuel Asare

Dr. Emmanuel Asare

“Dr. Emmanuel Asare is a leading physician whose mission is to help people reduce their intake of processed foods and sugars by making healthy eating deliciously sweet every day. After receiving his own borderline diabetes diagnosis, Dr. Asare founded MiraBurst in 2014 with the goal to educate the public—especially diabetics/borderline diabetics, weight conscious, keto, and healthy eaters—on how to enjoy a low sugar lifestyle. This is all through the miracle berry from his homeland in Ghana—a taste-modifying superfruit that tricks the mind into perceiving sour or tart food, fruit, and drinks as sweet without any added sugars or sweeteners.”


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